How to Clean Red Wine Stains out of your Carpet

Imagine that scary moment when you are relaxed and your red wine glass topples and spills on the carpet. It’s even worse if the carpet is white in color. The red wine stains are definitely one of those that know how well to leave their presence on the carpet. However, you shouldn’t worry much since there are products and techniques that you can use to remove the wine stains completely.
Act with Speed
Like most household stains, you need to act as fast as possible to remove the wine stains before they set. The sooner the better. If you are in a party and you can’t tend the spill, blotting up as much of the spill as you can will help. The next step is to sprinkle liberally with salt to keep the wine stains from setting as you tend to it.
Remember not to rub or scrub the stain as you will be forcing the wine further into the carpet. The proper method to stick to is blotting using a white terry towel or a thick paper towel.
Here is a step-by-step solution for removing red wine stains from your carpet

  1. Get a white terry towel or a thick paper towel and use it to blot as much red wine stain as possible. A white cloth can also be used. Blotting removes any wine that is not yet absorbed.
  2. After blotting, you can either pour warm water or cold water directly on the stain to dilute any remains of the stains. Blotting becomes a little bit easier. You blot once more until there is no more of the stain coming out. Warm water is in most cases used with vinegar.
  3. Baking soda paste is a classic remedy for removing stains at home. Mix soda paste with water in a one to three ratio and apply to the affected area of your carpet. Wait for the pate to dry before you vacuum the stain.
    Baking soda contains salts that prevent the wine stain from setting and therefore makes it easier to remove the red wine stain. You should, however, first blot up as much stain as you can.
  4. Alternatively, you can use vinegar. However, you’ll have to use warm water as described in stage (2). Mix white vinegar with dishwashing liquid in a one to one ratio and use a sponge to apply the solution on the stained area. Continue blotting until there are no more stains. White wine can also be useful since it will neutralize the staining components and help lift the off the carpet. You can also apply it by pouring some of it on top of the wine stain and blot away.